
For Buyer’s Guide

Competitive Buying and Selling, Open to Members Only A B2B Online Auction

The 6 Advantages
for Buyers

  • all over the world

    Bidding from

    We held our auction completely online. Participate anywhere, anytime you want.​ ​

  • Over​ ​

    Products Available

    Precious Stones and Metals, Luxury Watches, and Other Luxury Listings

  • Long

    Bidding Period

    Take the time to consider your bid carefully during the long bidding period (6 to 7days).

  • Bid acceptance rate of00%

    High bid acceptance rate achieved by providing quality products and places

  • Reliable

    Inspection and care

    Reliable appraisals and maintenance by qualified personnel and technicians

  • ManyBig-Ticket Items

    We can provide many big-ticket and high-quality goods thanks to our proprietary buying routes.

auction process

Auctions can be easily and securely participated in by any buyer who meets our company’s criteria, such as our Rules and Notes for Caution.
  1. STEP 1

    Inspection & bidding

    All items can be inspected and bids can be placed online. A long bidding period of 6 to 7 days is provided.

  2. STEP 2


    From the day after the bidding deadline, a statement for settlement can be issued from the bidding site.

  3. STEP 3


    After the bidding deadline, products will be shipped in sequence as payment is confirmed.

Online auctions can be participated in after member registration is complete.


Held every day! !

* New products will be exhibited every day from Wednesday to Saturday.
* Non-Brand jewelry is held twice a month

Deadline for bidding

Every Tuesday to Friday: Bidding Deadline

* The deadline for non-brand jewelry is Wednesdays of the 1st and 3rd weeks.

*Auctions start from 9:00 (JST) AM, 6 days before each bidding deadline (example) For products with a deadline on Tuesday, bids can be made from 9:00 (JST) AM on the previous Wednesday.
* Non-Brand jewelry will be held on Wednesdays of the 1st and 3rd weeks (bids start from 9:00 (JST) AM on Thursday 6 days before)
[Bid Deadline]
Tuesday, 1:59 (JST) PM Deadline (Watches)
Wednesday, 1:59 (JST) PM Deadline (Brand / Non-Brand Jewelry)
Thursday, 1:59 (JST) PM Deadline (Apparel, Shoes, Silver Brands, Accessories)
Friday 1:59 (JST) PM Deadline (Bags)
* The bid deadline has an automatic extension function (in 5 minute increments).

Winning bid fee

Watch, Brand Jewelery, Non-Branded Jewelry, Bag, Accessories
Percentage of winning bid:

Apparel, Shoes, Silver Brand
Percentage of winning bid:


Listing Categories

How to register

STAR BUYERS AUCTION are for businesses only. Only registered members can participate.

  1. STEP 1

    Register Member Information

    Please use the registration form to enter your company's information, and contact person's information. We will send you instructions on how to register your images as soon as we have confirmed your information.

  2. STEP 2

    Required documents for image registration

    You will be required to submit your personal identification documents for the screening process. Please log in from the URL that was sent to you, and submit your personal identification documents.

    *You will be required to submit images of both front, back, thickness of your ID, photo identification, and all the information pages of your antique dealer’s license.

  3. STEP 3


    We will review your application in accordance with our standards based on the information you have registered.​ ​

    *Depending on the results of the review, it may not be possible to register. Thank you for your understanding.

  4. STEP 4

    Account is granted,
    start use

    After reviewing process is completed, we will send the account information for the membership page to your contact person. All transactions can be done online, including auction previews, listings, and bids.

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