Terms and Conditions
- Special Offer Service -

Special Offer Services (hereinafter referred to as the "Services") are limited merchandise sales services provided by Valuence Japan Inc. (hereinafter referred to as the "Valuence") that are limited to members of STAR BUYERS AUCTION (hereinafter referred to as the "GSBA") (hereinafter referred to as the "Members"). The use of the Services shall be governed by the terms and conditions of Special Offer Service (hereinafter referred to as the "Rules") as set forth below.

Article 1 Basic Rules

  1. The purpose of these Terms and Conditions is to set forth the basic matters to be used by the customer with regard to the Services provided by us.
  2. The Customer shall agree to and use this Rules when using the Services.
  3. Valuence deem that you have agreed to these Terms and Conditions at the time of your application for purchase of the Products for the Services in accordance with the usage procedures stipulated by us.

Article 2 Changes to the Bylaws

  1. Valuence may change this Rules, in whole or in part, without prior notice.
  2. In the event this Rules is changed in whole or in part, the revised Rules shall be posted on the Service Site and shall become effective from the time of such publication. In the event the Company determines that the contents of the amendment to the Terms and Conditions are material to the Member, the Company shall notify the Member by the method set forth in Article 3 hereof.

Article 3 Notification

Unless otherwise specified, notice from us to the Members shall be given in the same manner as set forth in GSBA Terms of Use.

Article 4 Use of the Services

  1. Members may purchase the Products by using the Services. If you wish to purchase a product, you shall apply for the purchase of the product from Special Offer section of GSBA website.
  2. The member shall click the button to confirm the purchase after confirming the contents of the order and the delivery address entered or registered by the member.
  3. By pressing the button in the preceding paragraph, a sales contract shall be concluded between the Member and Us with respect to the applicable Products, and the purchase shall be completed. Upon completion of the purchase, Valuence shall notify the Member thereof by e-mail.
  4. Notwithstanding the provisions of this article, in the event of any misconduct or inappropriate conduct regarding the use of the Services, or in the event of any breach of these Terms and Conditions or any GSBA Terms of Use, the Company may terminate or cancel the sales contract, suspend the use of the Services and related services, or take any other action deemed appropriate by the Company.

Article 5 Payment of Purchase money and Expenses

  1. The amount payable for the purchase of the Goods shall be the total of the purchase price of the Goods including consumption tax and any incidental charges thereto.
  2. The payment for the goods purchased by the Services shall be limited to the method of bank transfer from the registered account of GSBA. In the event of a transfer, the transfer shall be made in the same name as the registered name of GSBA (the personal name of the sole proprietor is not the trade name), and the transfer from a different name may not be regarded as a valid payment. Note, however, that the member shall bear the fees for the transfer.
  3. With regard to the preceding paragraph, the payment for the purchase of the Goods shall be made by any of the following methods:
    1. If you select Delivery from time to time: Payment will be made according to the invoice issued by us after settlement is completed.
    2. In the event of selection of enclosed delivery with GSBA Products: Valuence shall invoice us for the aggregate amount of payment by the use of GSBA in the week following the week in which the date of purchase of such Products belongs and shall pay by the due date of payment of such invoice.
  4. In the event of a transaction involving shipment to overseas, Valuence shall pay a cross-border administration fee separately stipulated by Us.
  5. Article 6 Delivery

    1. With respect to the goods purchased by the Member, Valuence shall send the goods to the delivery destination registered by the Member at the time of setting the delivery, and the shipment shall be made by dispatching the goods by the due date for payment of the price of the goods or by enclosing the goods with the purchased goods of GSBA in the week following the purchase of the goods based on the choice of the Member.
    2. In the event of an international trade transaction, Valuence will comply with the terms of DPU (Incoterms 2020).
    3. The member shall bear the cost of shipping, and Valuence shall deliver the goods on a cash-on-delivery basis. In the event of cross-border delivery, a separate cross-border administration fee shall be paid for each product. The Buyer shall bear the delivery charge (product insurance), customs duty, transfer fee, etc. for the successful bid products in the same region. Valuence bear the cost of cross-border delivery (product insurance) of the successful bid product. Customs duty, bank transfer fee, etc. shall be borne by the Buyer.

    Article 7 Return of goods

    1. Valuence shall not accept any product returns after the conclusion of the sales contract.
    2. Notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding paragraph, in the event of any of the following, Valuence shall accept the return of the Products.
      1. If you receive a product that is completely different from what you ordered
      2. Unauthorized products (shall mean products that Valuence judge to be illegal in the light of socially accepted conventions, such as copied products, similar products, stolen products, lost products, belongings of others, and other illegal products).
      3. In the event Valuence reasonably judge that the contents are equivalent to the returned goods in accordance with each of the above items.
        1. The request for the return of goods set forth in the preceding paragraph shall be made within five weeks from the day following the date of purchase of the goods and within one year in the case of fraudulent goods, and no request for the return of goods shall be made by the Member after the expiration of such period.
        2. Notwithstanding the provisions of this article, in the event that Valuence receive a notice from the police or a public agency that the goods sold through the Service are stolen, Valuence shall be entitled to cancel the sales contract and request the member to return the goods. In this case, Valuence shall return the selling price at the time of purchase by the member and shall not refund any other fees.

        Article 8 Intellectual Property Rights

        1. The system environment for this service is protected by the copyright laws and copyright treaties of Japan and related countries, as well as other intellectual property laws and treaties.
        2. The license to use the Services by the Members hereunder shall not transfer any rights to the Members. Members shall only be granted non-exclusive access to the Services and shall not acquire any rights with respect to the system environment relating to the Services.

        Article 9 Confidentiality

        1. Members shall not disclose or divulge any confidential information disclosed by us to any third party in connection with the use of the Services. Confidential Information shall mean any technical, business or management information disclosed in connection with the introduction of the Services, regardless of whether it is in document, electromagnetic data, oral or other form, or whether or not there is a specific indication or indication of confidentiality or scope thereof.
        2. The information in each of the following items shall not be regarded as Confidential Information.
          1. Information already in the possession at the time of disclosure
          2. Information that was already in the public domain at the time of disclosure or that was subsequently in the public domain due to reasons not attributable to the receiving party
          3. Information lawfully obtained from a third party after disclosure
          4. Information independently developed or created without reference to the disclosed Confidential Information
          5. Information requested to be disclosed pursuant to the provisions of laws and regulations or an order of a court
        3. In the event the membership contract is terminated due to termination of the Service or for any other reason, the Member shall promptly return or dispose of the Confidential Information in accordance with our instructions. In the event of disposal, confidential information shall not be re-used in any way.

        Article 10 Prohibitions

        A Member shall not engage in any of the following acts in connection with the use of the Services.

        1. Act in violation of laws and regulations or public policy
        2. Acts related to criminal acts
        3. Conduct such as sub-licensing to third parties
        4. The act of destroying or interfering with the functions of our servers or networks
        5. The act of overloading the system of servers, networks, and other related services by, for example, making excessive access to our site
        6. Acts that may interfere with the operation of our services
        7. Acts of collecting or accumulating personal information, etc. concerning other members
        8. Use of information obtained through the use of the Services and related services for purposes other than the use of the Services or related services
        9. The act of spoofing other members
        10. Acts that infringe or are likely to infringe the rights of us or a third party
        11. Direct or indirect benefits to anti-social forces in connection with our services
        12. Other acts that Valuence consider inappropriate.

        Article 11 Compensation for Damages

        In the event a Member causes any damage to us or a third party through the Service, such Member shall be liable to compensate for such damage.

        Article 12 Indemnity

        1. Except as set forth in the preceding article, Valuence shall not assume any warranty or burden with respect to any goods sold through the Services, with respect to quality, material, function, performance, consistency with other goods, or any other defect, or any damage, loss, or disadvantage caused thereby, except as set forth in the preceding article.
        2. In addition to the Services, Valuence may sell similar products using services operated by other companies. In this case, the sales price may differ from the sales price in the Service, but Valuence shall not accept any claim for the difference.
        3. With respect to the preceding article, the scope of liability for damages that Valuence may pursue in the event that Valuence cause damage to a Member shall be limited to ordinary damages actually incurred by a Member due to a direct cause, and the Company shall not be liable for damages due to special circumstances regardless of whether or not such damage is foreseen or possibly caused.

        Article 13 Application of the relevant regulations

        Use of the Services shall be governed by the terms of use of GSBA other than these Terms and Conditions.

        Article 14 Measures in case of violation of the Covenant

        In the event a Member commits an act in violation of the terms and conditions applicable to the Services, the Company shall be entitled to take the following measures according to the degree of such violation.

        1. Restrictions on Use of the Services
        2. Restricted Use of GSBA
        3. Frozen accounts
        4. Deletion of membership in the Services and GSBA
        5. Other measures that Valuence consider appropriate.

        Article 15 Matters for Consultation

        In the event any matter not stipulated herein or any doubt arises in the interpretation thereof, the parties hereto shall resolve such matter after due consultation in accordance with the Principles of Good Faith.

        Article 16 Governing Law and Jurisdiction

        1. This Rules shall be construed in accordance with the laws of Japan and the laws of Japan.
        2. In the event of a dispute, etc. concerning the use of the Services, the Tokyo District Court or the Tokyo Family Court shall be settled as the court of exclusive jurisdiction for the first instance.

        Article 17 Language

        The official version of this Rules is the Japanese version, and the English version is for reference only and the English version is not binding on any party.

        Supplementary Provisions
        Established and enforced on July 24, 2023

